F.P. Goold & Co. Butter Churn
CA$300 - CA$400
Live Auction
Select Canadiana Furniture, Folk Art, Textiles, and Pottery
19.75" x 11.5" Dia. (base).
A nicely shaped 7-gallon stoneware butter churn made by F.P. Goold & Co., Brantford, 1859-1867. Franklin Goold and Charles Waterous owned the Brantford Pottery together from 1859 to 1867. This example has a very clean floral decoration sometimes referred to as the "Goold pineapple", one of the finest floral decorations produced by this pottery. Churns are a far less common form and were subject to heavy wear. Stamped, "F P Goold & Co / Brantford. C.W. / 7".
Cracks on the base, some extending up the right side and horizontally along the front just above the base edge. Reverse L-shaped crack just behind the left lug handle, beginning at the rim. Some shallow chips along the base edge, mainly at the front, and some minor thin flakes along the interior rim edge and minor roughness along the lid seat edge. Repair to a 2.75" x 1.25" section at the right side front edge of the rim, just above the lug handle.
From the Jon Church Collection.