23 of 325 lots
Kingston CW Decorated Merchant Crock
CA$700 - CA$1,000
Live Auction
Select Canadiana Furniture, Folk Art, Textiles, and Pottery
13" x 8" Dia. (base) x 12.5" Dia. (top).
An early Kingston stoneware merchant crock with a strong Ballard-inspired cobalt flower decoration (could also be an early Picton-made piece). Patrick J. Buckley operated his mercantile in Kingston from the early 1840s until 1863. He was noted in several directories as a dealer in groceries, crockery, pork, grain, flour and butter located at 36 Wellington Street at the corner of Clarence Street. 1850s. Stamped, "From / P.J. Buckley / Grocer & C Corner Of / Wellington & Clarance St / Kingston C.W / 5" (Clarence is misspelled).
Overall very good condition. Some minor fry in the cobalt decoration. Unseparated potstone front edge of left lug handle. 1" chip inside edge of rim at the back. Very fine hairline crack left side toward the back. The horizontal line at the back just above the base edge is an in-manufacture scribe line, not a crack.