Tiger Maple Percussion Rifle
CA$1,500 - CA$2,500
Live Auction
Canadiana & Folk Art | The Marty Osler Collection
A rare percussion rifle with decorative silver inlays of a resting deer, a cartouche and a star on the tiger maple stock, in nice untouched surface and having an octagonal barrel. The patch box is in brass as are the trigger guard, ferrules and ramrod cap. Although the steel lock plate is engraved it is heavily pitted with no visible maker marks, however, the maker's "signature" may also be the silver star inlay on the cheekpiece -- the identical star inlay and carved cheekpiece are also found on a rifle attributed to Michael Burns, a gunsmith in Barrie Ontario who worked 1856-65. The Burns' gun, also with a tiger maple half stock and an octagonal barrel, resides at the Royal Ontario Museum and is illustrated on page 208 of The Book on Canadian Antiques edited by Donald Webster. A rare decorative Canadian rifle with great surface, circa 1860. Barrel: L: 30". Overall: L: 45.5". CODE:FIREA