Fort Garry Painting
CA$600 - CA$1,000
Live Auction
Canadiana & Folk Art | The Marty Osler Collection
Oil on board of Upper Fort Garry, Manitoba, a view as it appeared in the late 1860s from the banks of the Assiniboine River with a lone canoeist on the water in front of the fort. Inscribed in red Fort Garry. Good condition. Attributed to Lionel Macdonald Stephenson (1854-1907), who painted in the late 19th century in Winnipeg. Stevenson was a well known and prolific painter of various scenes of Fort Garry that he sold as mementos of the emerging west. Fort Garry was one of the largest fur trading posts established by the Hudson's Bay Company and this scene today is the heart of downtown Winnipeg with only the Fort's original stone gate remaining. Sight: H: 12", W: 18". CODE:PFA